Parents » School Governance: SSC, ELAC, and LSLC/Charter Board

School Governance: SSC, ELAC, and LSLC/Charter Board

School Site Council and LSLC/Charter Board Members
Dr. Lauren McNally (Principal)
Noriko Nakada (Teacher)
Julian Tarula, Chairperson (Teacher)
Masaya Mura (Other Staff)
Devyn Everts (Teacher/Chair)
Rahnna Denmark (Teacher)
Elham Maleki, Vice-President
Olga Rosenmayer, Secretary
Nazanin Lolachi, Parliamentarian
Nancy Duran
Shiela Granfon
Shara Evangelista
ELAC Members (until 24-25 ELAC is elected)
Elham Maleki (Vice Chairperson)
Mrs. Haidee Marin (Secretary)
Cintia Sotomayor
Zahra Falahi
Justin Daza-Ritchie 

Agenda Posting Procedure

SSC and LSLC/Charter Board Meeting times and dates are announced in at least one of the following ways:

  • On the Emerson Marquee in front of the school
  • In the parent newsletter email presented by PACE
  • On the Emerson website calendar
  • Agenda posted in the front window of school at least 72 hours prior to the meeting

Past meeting agendas and minutes will be posted in a timely fashion.

SSC/ELAC Orientation Power Point

The link following this paragraph is the power point slides from the Orientation meeting held on September 9, 2022 for orientation to the SSC and ELAC groups.  If you missed the training you can find information on the link below.  If you have questions please call 310-234-3100 for assistance. 

SSC/Charter Board and ELAC Agendas and Minutes


SSC responsibilities

SSC responsibilities school site council (SSC)purpose, composition and responsibilities purpose every school with a county district school (CDS) code assigned by the California department of education (CDE) shall establish a school site council (SSC) as the decision-making council for all programs funded through the consolidated application (CONAPP). California education code 64001(a) requires districts receiving state, federal and other applicable funding through the consolidated application (CONAPP) process ensure that participating schools prepare a school plan for student achievement (SPSA). The SPSA is a blueprint to improve the academic performance of all students to the level of the targeted performance goals of every student succeeds act (ESSA) and the district’s local control accountability plan (LCAP) scorecard.


Further, the SSC is responsible for developing, revising and adopting the comprehensive school safety plan and the SPSA with its proposed expenditure of all categorical funds. In addition, the SSC must ensure that a school meets all federal parental involvement mandates, specifically, the development and approval of the school-level Title I parent and family engagement policy, the Title I school-parent compact, and the Title I parent and family engagement budget. 


Composition elementary schools/primary centers:

  • councils will consist of no fewer than ten (10) members and be constituted to ensure parity
  • half the membership will be staff, including the principal (or designee); classroom teachers must be the majority
  • other school personnel
  • the other half will be parents or legal guardians and may include community members, if the parents vote to assign their parent member seats to community members and subsequently elect the community members. This composition must be recorded in the bylaws 

Composition at middle/high and option schools:

  • councils will consist of no fewer than twelve (12) members
  • half of the membership will be staff including the principal (or designee); classroom teachers must be the majority
  • other school personnel
  • the other half will be students and parents or legal guardians and may be a community member, if the parents vote to assign their parent member seats to community members and subsequently elect the community members. This composition must be recorded in the bylaws
  • there does not need to be parity between the parents and students on the parent/student portion of the SSC. However, it is recommended that schools maintain parity in this section by forming an SSC of at least 12 members

Major responsibilities of members:

  • ensure that all federal parental involvement mandates are met, specifically the development and approval of the school-level Title I parent and family engagement policy and the development and approval of the Title I school-parent compact. 
  • develop, review and adopt the SPSA in consultation with relevant stakeholders   and, where applicable, with the English learner advisory committee (ELAC).
  • respond in writing to written (attachment a) recommendations from ELAC within 30 calendar days or at the next school site council meeting.
  • review the school’s SPSA, data and proposed categorical budget expenditures at every meeting.
  • review and revise the SPSA annually to align all goals, strategies and categorical funds to the identified instructional needs of students and to the district’s priorities.
  • develop the integrated safe school plan.


Notice of reasonable accommodations:

Persons with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodations to access meetings.

2024-2025 School Site Council and LSLC/Charter Board Meetings

School Site Council and LSLC/Charter Board Meetings are held the first Monday of the Month at 3:30 PM in a Hybrid Model; In the Parent Center & on ZOOM.  

The link will be posted here thirty minutes prior to the meeting.

Reasonable accommodations can be requested by calling the main office at (310) 234-3100
